Flea Management
Flea Management in Brisbane
Fleas are tiny wingless pests that range between 2 to 4mm in length. These household pests have sharp mouth-parts for piercing skin and feeding on the blood of humans and household pets. As families are more and more likely to buy domestic animals, the population of fleas is exponentially rising. Flea bites are a nuisance. They cause severe itchiness, red swollen lumps and are generally found on legs and feet.
Fleas have hind legs that can propel them up to 200 times their body length. Their ability to leap allows them to jump between hosts. Their tiny body sizes make them extremely difficult to detect, making carpets, bedding and the fur of household pets a perfect hiding-spot.

The Lifecycle of a Flea
It can take up to 8 months for a flea to reach maturity. A flea has four lifecycles and the duration of these lifecycles varies depending upon their climate, the food they have access to and their individual species. Identifying the different lifecycles is important because treatments will vary depending on the stage of a flea’s lifecycle. Our flea management process in Brisbane guarantees to oversee these important factors to give you a flea-free and healthy surrounding. The four lifecycles of a flea are:
- The Egg: Fleas lay their eggs in a host after feeding on their blood. Generally, female fleas lay 6-8 eggs at a time and they take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to fully hatch. The duration of the hatch will depend largely upon the conditions and the species of flea.
- The Larva: After an egg hatches a flea larva will emerge. Flea larva are around 3mm in length. Over the lifecycle of larva, the flea will feed on the organic matter of their host and eventually they’ll develop onto their next life cycle which is the pupae.
- The Pupa: The lifecycle characterised for it’s cocoon-like state. Warm and humid conditions will speed up the lifecycle of the pupae. Most commonly, pupae is found in pet fur, carpet fibres and grass cuttings.
- The Adult Flea: Once an adult flea has emerged from its cocoon, it’s ready to start leaping between hosts to extract blood. One of the most interesting things about an adult flea is its ability to lay dormant without feeding for several months.
OUR brisbane Flea management PACKAGES
We have a range of pest control packages to suit your needs.
Pest Control Lite Package
Cost Effective solution for Cockroaches (excluding German Cockroaches), Silverfish, Webbing Spiders internally and externally.
Free Service Period after treatment included.
Full Pest Control Package
All-round solution for Cockroaches (excluding German Cockroaches), Silverfish, Webbing Spiders and Ants internally and externally.
Free Service Period after treatment included.
Full Pest Control including Rodents Package
The best solution for Cockroaches (excluding German Cockroaches), Silverfish, Webbing Spiders , Ants and Rodents internally and externally.
Free Service Period after treatment included.